Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog, ho!

I guess whether that title is an excited statement or a command is subject to the reader's interpretation. I intended the former, but if you happen to find the latter amusing I'll not deprive you of a hearty guffaw. Ok, more realistically, a mental chuckle. In any case, welcome to the conversation, Luther friends and strangers alike! If you have no interest in reading about Luther College, feel free to stay and be miserable, but you are warned: that's pretty much all you'll find here.

Actually, I suppose you never know what you'll find, since even I don't know and I'm the one writing the thing. Truly, I have only half an idea what will happen here - I just know I have a head exploding with thoughts about Luther and just enough experience reading blogs to want to give it a try myself. Ok, technically another try. During my first year of college I occasionally posted entries on a xanga site in an attempt to be publicly witty. I stopped posting on it before my sophomore year began, which is also the year I began drinking. Interesting. So to this day the small effort floats quietly in cyberspace like a chunk of debris through outer space, an electronic testament to my 18 year old sense of humor and knowledge of proper comma usage. Godspeed, crappy xanga blog.

And l'chaim, Blue Squirrel Project! May you serve well as a sounding board for my thoughts regarding Luther and other people's thoughts about those thoughts. Also may you have things like silly squirrel videos!

That's it for now, cause this thing took way too long to set up. Until next time, when you can expect content to begin with shots across the bows of our closest institutional rivals, be well, and may your thoughts to this oft turn.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot all about the Xanga days... Yeesh! I'm psyched about this blog - I can't wait to read what else you have to say about LC!
